This morning I had another ultrasound to count and check on my follicles. In total there were about 15 growing. They need to be around 18 in measurement, right now they range in size from 11-13. The significance of this is once they are large enough, they will be ready for retrieval! It was weird to see them all on the screen. It almost felt like I was looking at the ultrasound of a pregnancy. I know they are not fertilized eggs but just to see them all on the screen, I felt like a proud momma!! Maybe its just these crazy hormones talking (ha!).
Dr. Valencia decided to keep me on the same meds Gonal F at 125 for the next few days. I go back to him tomorrow to get a new prescription: Orgalutran. This is a medication that will avoid premature ovulation. The last thing I want is to start my cycle and loose all these little bad girls!! The bad news is that this is going to be another shot. So for the next 4 days, I will be getting 2 shots in the morning (ugh!).
Then we will head back to the doctors office Saturday morning for another ultrasound to check the growth of the follicles. He suspects that by Saturday they will be around 18-19 in measurement. If this is the case, I will start another medication Monday and we will retrieve the eggs on Wednesday.
As for how I am feeling: Its not all that bad taking the hormones. I do feel a little weepy sometimes but not crazy! I am a little sick and have only been able to take Vitamin C, Tylenol & Saline Solution for congestion. I can't tell if its the hormones making me feel bad or just the cold I've got going on. Nik & Trey have been SO sweet. They keep trying to make me laugh and bring me treats!
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